Lead extraction

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Lead pipe extraction equipment by Gattegno

Winches and accessories for extracting lead pipes

Winches and other accessories to replace lead pipes. They allow the split or pulling of lead and replacement with PE with the help of a cable in just one session.

Lead splitting knives

Lead splitting knives
Lead splitting knives for lead extraction by Gattegno

Gattegno range

255 160 929Knife without bladeFor PE25
255 160 9311 blade knifeFor PE25
255 160 9992 blade knifeFor PE25
255 161 0563 blade knifeFor PE25
255 161 0934 blade knifeFor PE25
255 161 132Knife without bladeFor PE32
255 161 1331 blade knifeFor PE32
255 161 1342 blade knifeFor PE32
255 161 1413 blade knifeFor PE32
ACDAAAA4 blade knifeFor PE32
ACDAAABKnife without bladeFor PE40
ACDAAAC1 blade knifeFor PE40
ACDAAAD2 blade knifeFor PE40
ACDAAAE3 blade knifeFor PE40
ACDAAAF4 blade knifeFor PE40

PE pipe extraction


Pipe extraction PE25
Pipe extraction PE32
Pipe extraction PE40
PE pipe extraction

Gattegno range

255 160 930PE pipe extractorFor PE25
255 161 136PE pipe extractorFor PE32
255 161 984PE pipe extractorFor PE40

Lead pulling cable

Pulling cable with a pointed and welded end on one side and with a crimped cap on the other.

On request: special cable high breaking load

  • Diameter 09 mm 8 100 daN
  • Diameter 10 mm 9 400 daN
  • Possibility of mounting a M14 threaded cap on a 9 and 10 mm diameter cable.
Lead pulling cable
ReferenceDiameterBreaking daNLength (m)
255 160 8919 mm5 60010
255 161 0219 mm5 60015
255 161 0239 mm5 60020
255 161 0249 mm5 60025
255 160 75410 mm8 80010
255 160 75510 mm8 80015
255 161 01410 mm8 80020
255 161 02510 mm8 80025